How it works

The Document360 connector will pull in all the articles given the workspace and categories that the user specifies. Articles in Document360 can be saved in either HTML or Markdown format. Currently the implementation only handles HTML format. If HTML format is desired, please submit an issue here

Articles are updated every 10 minutes.

Setting up


  1. Go to Settings > Knowledge base portal > API tokens.
  2. Click Generate button.
  3. Enter a Token name and select the Request methods that you want to allow for the API key.
  4. Click Generate.
  5. Your portal ID and API key will be displayed on the page.


  1. Navigate to the Admin Dashboard and select the Document360 Connector
  2. In Step 1, provide your Portal ID and the API Key from above.

  1. Set the Workspace ID (see below) and Categories. To include all categories, simply leave the categories empty
  2. Click Connect to begin indexing